Schedule Service
When you need indoor air quality services, call Air Mechanical any time. Our indoor air quality experts can help you select an air purification system for your home, and our technicians will install and maintain your system so that it will provide you with clean indoor air for many years. We carry a wide variety of some of the best air cleaners, UV germicidal lights, and air purification systems available.
Contact us at any time to learn more about improving the indoor air quality in your home.
Air Purification Systems
Air Mechanical offers a large selection of quality air purification systems to customers. Whether you are looking for a mechanical air cleaner or a UV germicidal light, we can help you find an air purifier that will suit your needs. We offer a full range of indoor air quality services, including installation, maintenance, and repair. If you have questions about the types of air purifiers we offer, or if you would like to set up a consultation, give us a call any time.
UV Germicidal Lights for your Home
Installing a UV germicidal light system is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to kill harmful airborne microorganisms in your home. By working with your existing HVAC system, UV lights kill bacteria and viruses and keep them from reproducing. If you have installed an air cleaner, adding a UV germicidal light can provide protection from indoor pollutants that the air cleaners have filtered. Don’t hesitate to call us if you’d like to learn more about improving your indoor air quality. We provide comprehensive indoor air quality services, and we are always here to discuss your options.
Improving Indoor Air Quality with a Ventilation Service
In addition to helping with moisture control, having adequate ventilation for your home can also improve your indoor air quality. Relying on natural ventilation alone will increase the chances that outdoor air pollutants, such as pollen and dust, will continue to circulate throughout your home. However, in tightly sealed homes, there isn’t enough fresh air inside to dilute the indoor air pollutants, and there’s less air filtration in general. Fans and roof vents can help to ensure that your home is properly ventilated. Improving indoor air quality involves balancing natural and mechanical ventilation. Without that balance and some type of air purification system, you could suffer from health issues due to poor indoor air quality. If you would like to discuss how proper ventilation can improve the indoor air quality in your home, call Air Mechanical in to speak with one of our indoor air quality professionals.
Indoor Air Quality Professionals
Call the indoor air quality professionals at Air Mechanical any time to learn more about indoor air quality and the air purification systems we offer. We also offer a full line of indoor air quality services, whether you need an installation, repair, or expert advice. Start improving the air quality inside your home, and call Air Mechanical today!