Here’s What Could Happen If You Skipped Furnace Maintenance
Furnace maintenance should be scheduled at least once a year, to fend off repairs, extend the life of your heating system, and more.
Plumbing Tip: Plumbing Noises – Where They Come From and Why They Occur
Under ideal conditions, you would hear nothing from your Rogers plumbing system except the sound of running water when you turn on the tap. Unfortunately, that is not always what actually happens. In fact, your plumbing can make all types of funny...
Air Conditioning Guide: The Ins and Outs of Ductless Splits Air Conditioning
So, it’s time to install a new air conditioner in your Stillwater home and you’re pretty sure there just isn’t enough room in the walls or ceilings to place the necessary ductwork. No problem. There is a rapidly evolving technology that allows you to...
Why You Should Regularly Clean the Sump Pump and Well in your Carver County Home
Keeping the sump pump clean in your Carver County home has many benefits. Not only does a clean sump pump run more efficiently, which lowers your energy bills, but it also helps prevent malfunctions. The sump pump in your home pumps out excess groundwater that could potentially flood your basement and cause major water damage and mold growth.
Furnace Repair Guide: Furnace Air Temperature
When your furnace turns on every day and warms your Chaska home, just how hot is the air being blown through your vents? It’s a common question and while it varies depending on the type of furnace you have and the length of your ductwork...
HVAC Guide: How to Fix a Faulty Furnace Blower
The blower fan on your furnace is designed to distribute warm air through the ductwork in your Little Canada home evenly, ensuring you use all of the energy consumed by your furnace. If the blower doesn’t turn on...
The Hardest HVAC Maintenance: A Guide from a Shoreview Heating Contractor
Do you hate to work on your own mechanical equipment in your Shoreview home, like furnaces and plumbing fixtures? You aren’t alone. Many people are not cut out to be do-it-yourselfers (DIYers). They prefer to hand off their maintenance...
Water and Energy Saving Tips from Lakeville
The cost of the heat, air conditioning and water supply to your Lakeville home continues to rise – it’s no wonder you want to cut your bills so much. But, how can you do that without cutting into the creature comforts...
How Do I Check a Gas Furnace Draft Pressure Switch? A Question from Shoreview
There are many reasons why a furnace stops working and in many cases, a Shoreview homeowner can perform some simple diagnostics to pinpoint the problem. Finding the problem is one thing – fixing it is another.
Scald Free Showers and Bathtubs: Scald Prevention Methods
One of the worst things that can happen to you in a shower is when a sudden blast of scalding hot water strikes you unexpectedly. This is a problem for many people and usually happens when someone turns on the cold water at another tap in your Ramsey house.
My HVAC System Has a 10 Year Warranty – Why Do I Need a Maintenance Agreement?
While every new furnace sold comes with a limited 10 year warranty for the unit and parts, it is a good idea to supplement your warranty with a more complete maintenance agreement with your HVAC provider. Why pay for a secondary maintenance plan when you already have a warranty?
Where Are My Shut Off Valves?
Whenever you want to do some home repairs on your plumbing, whether it is to change a leaky faucet or fix knocking pipes, you need to shut off the main water supply...