Other Anniversaries of Valentine’s Day
For more than a hundred years, people in countries around the world have marked the 14th day of February as a time for lovers to give each other gifts and for children to write cards to each other and eat heart-shaped candy. But Valentine’s Day isn’t the only important event to occur on February 14th. There are many other anniversaries to mark on this day. Here are a few...
New Year’s Traditions Explained
2014 is almost upon us, and with the coming of the New Year, we thought we’d take a brief look at some of the more popular traditions associated with this holiday. It’s been around for at least 4,000 years: as long as we’ve figured out how long it takes for the seasons to come and go. Here’s a quick discussion about some of our more modern traditions and where they started.
Wishing You a Happy and Safe Holiday Season!
It’s the holiday season once again, and everyone at Air Mechanical, Inc. wishes the very best for you, your family, and your friends. We hope that whatever brings you joy fills these last days of the year. We’d like to thank all of our customers for giving us the opportunity to provide you with services that improve your lives and help you better enjoy this time with your loved ones. You are the reason that we exist as a company, and that’s something we always keep that in mind. We are eager to work with you in the coming year.
The History of the Presidential Turkey Pardon
Thanksgiving began in 1621, but didn’t become a national tradition until 1863, when Abraham Lincoln declared it as such in hopes of bringing a divided nation together. We have many Thanksgiving traditions in this country, from turkey as the meal to the annual Cowboys and Lions games on television. But one of the most beloved is the annual Presidential turkey pardon, in which the U.S. President “pardons” a turkey, allowing them to live the remainder of their live freely roaming on farmland.
Why We Celebrate Labor Day
We wish our present and future customers a pleasant Labor Day this September. We know how hard you work to ensure that you and your loved ones have a good life, and we feel the same way about the work that we do throughout the year. Home comfort is our business, so you can rely on our technicians to take care of any issues that you may have. To us, Labor Day means BBQ, the start of the football season, and spending quality time with our friends and family.
Happy Martin Luther King Day from Your Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area HVAC Contractor!
Happy Martin Luther King Day! This holiday is not just about celebrating civil rights but also about serving your community. If you have the day off today, why not try spending it helping others? From volunteering at an animal shelter to...
Happy New Year’s Eve from Your Metro Minneapolis Heating and Cooling Contractor!
Happy New Years! We hope you have a great time tonight welcoming in the New Year and saying goodbye to the old. Forty-five percent of people make New Year’s resolutions; ours is to serve our customers even better than we did last year!
Happy Hanukkah from Your Metro Minneapolis Plumbing and HVAC Contractor
Everyone here wishes you a Happy Hanukkah! Whether you have a Menorah or a Christmas tree in your house, the holidays are all about spending time with family. We hope you have a great holiday...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! We have a lot to be thankful for this year, especially all of our great customers! Have a very happy holiday with your family, friends, and loved ones. And don’t forget that Thanksgiving is also about amazing food...
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween! Halloween is a time of superstition, mystery, and celebration; we hope you have a wonderfully spooky day! However, your heating system making scary noises is no fun at all. Be sure to get your contractor...