Does Your Water Quality Need a Boost?
A professional plumber should know what the biggest challenges are going to be regarding the water quality in your area and exactly what water treatment systems will provide the best solutions.
What Does a Reverse Osmosis System Do?
These are wonderful filtration systems that a professional Maple Grove plumber like one from our team would be happy to install.
Here’s How We Can Treat Your Water
Blegh! Contaminants in your water got you down? We totally understand why poor water quality is such a big deal!
Water Filtration FAQ: How Do I Know If I Need a Water Testing Service?
The water supply in the Blaine area comes from many different sources. The municipal water sources are routinely checked for mineral, ion, and metal levels. But that doesn't mean it's completely free of contaminants that can affect its taste or cause health problems for some people.
Signs that You Have Hard Water in Apple Valley
Hard water is fairly common, especially in certain regions of the country. It is called hard water because of the minerals in it, such as calcium, iron and lime. Depending on how “hard” the water is, it’s usually perfectly healthy...